Notification Fatigue

App notifications

The number of applications that employees use on a regular basis continues to increase and a lot of these apps have various alerts. We get a “ping” when an email arrives, a comment is added in Teams or when someone tries to contact us in WhatsApp. Then when Windows needs an update, the antivirus hasn’t done a scan or if a problem occurs on the computer another ping or notification pops up. Continue reading

7 Technologies That Can Help Your Business

New Tech

In today’s world customers look for convenience. Technology can make businesses more convenient and easier. When looking at technology keep the customer experience in mind in all that you do. When people are not happy with their experience with a company, they leave and their experience might not have anything to do with your products or services. They may have found it hard to navigate your website or have a question and since it was after hours no one was around to answer it. Continue reading

8 IT Checks to Make Before You Travel

Travelling with technology

Most of us won’t even travel to the end of the block without our phones and when we go on longer trips, we can end up take a lot a tech.  You can travel smarter and more securely by doing several checks before you go by using our handy tech travel checklist below. The checklist can save you from suffering from lost devices, missing chargers or even a data breach. Continue reading

Introduction to MS Windows 8

Windows 8 is Microsoft attempt to bring together the interface on both computers, smart phones and tablets. This has made the interface different to older operating systems such as MS Windows 7 and XP and has confused a lot of people. We have put together a video tutorial which guides you through the basics of Windows 8 and shows you the shortcuts on how you can get the best use out of the new operating system.

Topics included in the video are:

  • the new Windows 8 features.
  • start screen.
  • the charms bar.
  • Windows 8 Apps (aka Metro Apps).
  • the desktop.
  • Snapit.
  • various other shortcuts, tips and tricks.

Check out our YouTube video on our YouTube channel listed below:

Windows 8 Tutorial

The video is targetted at new users or people thinking of upgrading to Windows 8. If you have any questions or comments on the video please leave them below.