7 Great Features Rolled Out in the Latest Windows 11 Update

In a world where technology constantly evolves, Microsoft continues to pioneer innovations. Their innovations transform how we interact with our digital universe.

The fall Windows 11 update is more than just an upgrade, it is a leap into the future of computing with Microsoft touting it as “The most personal Windows 11 experience.” Continue reading

Why You Should Not Do Social Media Quizzes

Social Media Quizzes and Surveys

Answering quizzes or surveys on social media may seem innocent, but the people behind those questions could have ill intent. They are using a quiz format to gather the personal information they need to access your accounts. Think about it. Who else asks for your pets’ names, your favourite colour, the school and / or university you attended, or your mother’s maiden name? These are questions you use as password reset prompts. Continue reading

Explanation of Security Layers

A lot of people ask me about security and are often confused when I say you need multiple layers of security. This blog aims to explain the multiple layers and relates them to how you secure your own home or office. Continue reading