The Business Owner’s Checklist When Buying Tech

Buying new tech

Investing in new technology for your business is no small decision. It is easy to get swayed by the latest fancy gadgets and special deals which can end up with buyer’s remorse especially when you don’t fully understand it and how it will fit into your business. Here are some key questions you need to ask and / or address before making that investment. Continue reading

Are You Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Technology?

Tech Support

Shiny new technology can be exciting for some people but can scare others! In todays world, new tech can be a must to stay competitive and it increased efficiency, happier employees and a competitive edge. That promise can turn into a financial nightmare if employees can’t use their technology. This can then cause productivity to drop, mistakes and customer service to fall. This blog shows the common staff technology issues as provides solutions. Continue reading

When Your IT Goes Wrong, Who Do You Call?

IT support - who do you call?

It is late on a Friday afternoon, and you have just sat down to focus on an important project that is due. You then notice your internet connection is not working, the printer on the other side of the office starts beeping with an error, a pop-up appears on your computer saying your antivirus subscription needs to be renewed and you remember you forgot to look at the backup failure message from last week. Continue reading

The Downsides of Buying a Cheap Printer


We have all been there – rushing to print an important document only to discover your cheap inkjet printer is playing up again. It may be refusing to print because the colour cartridges are empty, not feeding pages through properly  or leaving streaks across your printouts. The cheap inkjet printers are notorious for acting up just when you need to print that urgent document. Beyond the frustration, these constant issues could be costing you more than you realise. Continue reading

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Internet Router?

Modern router

Have you noticed your internet experience declining recently, do you have bad wireless coverage throughout your office or concerned about the security of your network? If so, it may be time for an upgrade. Continue reading

Do You Really Need to “Safely Eject” USB Devices?

Eject USB Drive

We have all been there: rushing to grab your USB drive only to be stopped in your tracks by the ominous warning about “safely removing” it first, but does this advice from the “old” days still apply in the modern era of Windows 10 and 11. Continue reading

Don’t Settle for Less: Upgrade Your IT Provider

Proactive IT support

As a business owner, you may already have an existing IT support provider or MSP that handles your IT needs. However, have you ever considered if they still truly meet your needs and expectations? Just settling for the status quo and sticking with the “devil you know” may not always be the best approach to your current business’s needs. Continue reading

Top Breaches of 2023 and How You Can Protect Yourself

Computer Security

The battle against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge and unfortunately there is no one thing that will protect you 100% and 2023 has proven to be a watershed year for data breaches. Data compromises have surged to an all-time high in the U.S. This is based on data from the first 9 months of the year. Meaning that numbers will only end up higher for the year. Continue reading

Do You Really Need It All? Understanding the Need for Comprehensive Cybersecurity

Security Testing

As a small business owner, your top priority is keeping costs low while supporting business growth. Your IT provider recommends investing in a robust stack of cybersecurity software and owners wonder whether they really need all those solutions. Continue reading

“Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again?” – The IT Quickfix


The first question most IT people ask when end users call for support is the good old “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”. While this may seem annoying, the reality is that many issues are fixed with a reboot. The longer you keep your computer running without a restart or shutdown, the higher the chances of encountering problems or issues. Continue reading