Don’t Settle for Less: Upgrade Your IT Provider

Proactive IT support

As a business owner, you may already have an existing IT support provider or MSP that handles your IT needs. However, have you ever considered if they still truly meet your needs and expectations? Just settling for the status quo and sticking with the “devil you know” may not always be the best approach to your current business’s needs.

In this article, we will explore some common pitfalls of working with an inadequate MSP and why it’s crucial to consider the possibility of finding a better partner for your technology needs.

Poor Communication and Lack of Responsiveness

One of the key indicators of a subpar IT support is a lack or responsiveness and poor communication.

How much is your business suffering if you have to wait days and days to get your current provider to return your call and / or fix your issue?

If you find yourself struggling to understand technical concepts, it may be a sign that they are not effectively bridging the gap between technical jargon and your non-technical understanding.

Furthermore, some providers outsource their support to offshore teams, this can lead to a language gap and further complicate communication. The language barrier can also  hinder effective problem-solving and cause frustration for both you and your team and delay you in getting issues fixed even more.

It is important to work with an IT support provider that has technical expertise and excels at clear and concise communication. This will ensure that you are always kept in the loop and understand the solutions being implemented.

Techs Unfamiliar with Your Environment

Another red flag to watch out for is when your providers technicians are unfamiliar with your business environment. You may have initially signed up with them as they presumably understood your specific needs and requirements. However, that technician may have moved, busy with other work or has been assigned to other clients.

In that case, you may be left with replacement staff who lack the knowledge and understanding of your unique business and your IT infrastructure. When your current  technicians are unfamiliar with your environment, it can lead to delays, inefficiencies and potential security risks.

It is essential to work with a provider that invests time and effort in understanding your business and its technological landscape. This then ensures they can provide the most relevant and effective support.

Lack of Focus

Some providers handle a wide range of clients and may not be able to give your business the attention it truly deserves. While it is understandable that they work with multiple clients, it is crucial to assess whether your current provider can genuinely meet your particular needs.

If your requests are frequently deprioritised, response times are slow or you are not receiving the level of support you require, it may be a sign that your providers attention is on larger clients, other commitments or they don’t appreciate you.

This lack of focus can seriously affect your business’s productivity, efficiency and overall growth.

Working with an IT provider that prioritises your business and provides dedicated support is essential, as it ensures your IT infrastructure remains robust and aligned with your goals.

Don’t Settle for “Better the Devil You Know”

When it comes to your business’s IT needs, settling for the “devil you know” may restrict your productivity and stop or slow you from reaching your goals and providing the best possible service to your clients.

If you are unsure whether your current provider is truly meeting your needs, it is worth exploring other options. At DP Computing, we believe in the power of a strong partnership and the positive impact a reliable and responsive IT support company can have on your business.

We invite you to have a chat with our team to discuss your current challenges and goals, and how we can leverage our expertise to take your IT infrastructure to the next level. Remember, it costs nothing to explore your options and see how much better your IT experience can be.

Do not let the fear of change prevent you from experiencing the benefits of a highly skilled and dedicated IT support team. Do not look back, take the leap and explore the possibilities of a partnership with us so that your business can go to the next level. Contact us now for a no obligation meeting to discuss your needs.