What is the Difference Between a Backup and an Archive?

Backup testing

It goes without saying that your data is a vital part of your business. If the sorst happens and you lose all or part of your data, you could be out of business for a while, or maybe even for good. Continue reading

What A Data Breach Looks Like

Security breaches

When most businesses get breached, the business owners don’t know until well after the event. This blog article aims to show some of the signs of a data breach so that you can help you mitigate the damage. Continue reading

End of Year IT Review

IT Plans

With the year coming to a close, now is the perfect time to plan for the future. Most businesses begin the year with the hope of growing and improving operations and much of how a business operates depends on technology. Thus it makes sense to look to your IT for areas of improvement. Continue reading

Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Business PC

Purchasing a new computer

Have you ever bought something and then had buyer’s remorse a few months later? The same can happen when purchasing anew computer for your business. Continue reading