The Power of a Password Manager

Password Managers

All of us like to think that we are unique and that thinking extends to our passwords too, right? We are special and distinct, and no one could guess our specific combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Well, did you know that it is very easy for computers to very quickly determine passwords. So, using a password manager is a great move, as you can securely store your passwords in an easily retrievable way. But is your master password for your password manager secure, original and long enough? Continue reading

Understanding the Cost of IT Downtime

Costs of IT downtime

Business downtime can be costly and there is plenty of research that show just how much it can set a business back. Some small businesses can not even bounce backĀ  due to the costs involved with an extended downtime. My latest blog article outlines the many expenses a business can encounter as a result of downtime. Continue reading

Supply Chain Shortages Make It Hard to Buy Tech

IT supply line issues

As you probably already heard, supply chain issues are affecting many different industries. This article highlights the issues around the supply chain that are causing issues within the IT industry. Continue reading