10 Settings to Boost Your Productivity in Windows 11


A lot of people are now using Windows 11 (as of August 2024, Windows 11 had over 31% of the Windows market share) and since Windows 10 retires in late 2025 this will increase significantly over the next year. This blog article will go through some great tips on optimising your Windows 11 experience. Continue reading

Is a File Really Gone When You Delete It?

Deleting a file

Do you wonder what happens when you delete a file from your computer? You probably hit the delete button to send it to the Recycle Bin, then empty the bin and think it is gone forever. But is it really? Read on to find out what is happening behind the scenes. Continue reading

Windows 10: It is Time to Upgrade

Windows 10 EOL

Windows 10 has served us all well, but its time is running out. Microsoft has said that it will end support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. This means no more security updates, no more patches, and no more support. Continue reading

MS Recall – Microsoft’s New AI Feature

MS Recall

MS has introduced a new AI feature called “Recall” to Windows 11 which is designed to enhance your experience by acting as a virtual time machine. It will allow users to quickly find anything they have seen on a computer in the past. This blog article will show how it works and why we think it is useful. Continue reading

Stop Using Outdated Operating Systems

Upgrade your OS ASAP

Most people know they should not be using an outdated operating system such as Windows 7 or 8.1. But they believe that as long as you avoid visiting shady websites and refrain from clicking on suspicious links or emails, there is no harm! Continue reading

Windows End-Of-Life

Windows End-Of-Life

Many companies have computers that are still running older operating systems. The systems may only be used occasionally or if they are running customised software that won’t work on newer Windows versions) they may be in use fulltime. The problem is that when operating systems become outdated or end of life, they are not patched which leaves them wide open to cyberattacks. Continue reading

Why You Should Upgrade To Windows 11

Windows 11

Microsoft released the Windows 11 OS or Operating System over a year ago and it has been well-received as stable and user-friendly. The OS is not a large departure from the Windows 10 experience but does offer a lot of improvements over the older environment. With improvements and a free upgrade for Windows 10 users, it still lags in adoption though. As of November 2022, Windows 10 still owns a 69.75 percent usage share as compared to 16.13 percent for Windows 11. Continue reading

How To Reduce Your Computer Power Usage

Computer Energy Savings

With energy costs soaring and people being more energy conscience, this article goes through some simple ways to help reduce the amount of energy in use by your computer equipment in your office or home. Continue reading

5 Tips to Improve Your Productivity by Organising Your Computer’s Desktop!


Clutter can be a big productivity drain both in the physical and digital world. Just like piles of paper on your desk can waste time when you try to find things, loads of icons on your computer’s desktop can also waste time when you are trying to find things.

To avoid this scenario, you need to declutter your computer as well. This blog article shares seven tips on decluttering your computer desktop. Continue reading