Stop Using Outdated Operating Systems

Upgrade your OS ASAP

Most people know they should not be using an outdated operating system such as Windows 7 or 8.1. But they believe that as long as you avoid visiting shady websites and refrain from clicking on suspicious links or emails, there is no harm!

In this blog article, we will shed some light on the risks associated with running an unsupported operating system and explain why upgrading to a newer version is crucial for maintaining cybersecurity.

The Belief in Website-Based Protection

There is a common belief among some people that as long as they don’t browse to  harmful websites, avoid opening suspicious emails and refrain from clicking on unknown links, their outdated operating system will remain safe.

The assumption is that by being cautious, they can avoid the risks of cyberattacks. However, this perspective overlooks the vulnerabilities present in unsupported operating systems such as Windows 7 and 8.1.

The End of Security Updates

On January 10, 2023, Microsoft ended security updates and support for Windows 7 and 8.1. What this means is that these operating systems no longer receive patches and fixes for any known exploits. As a result, any new vulnerabilities discovered can expose these outdated systems to potential attacks. Cybercriminals actively search for these vulnerabilities to exploit, thus putting your sensitive data and personal information at risk.

The Rapidly Evolving Exploit Landscape

New exploits are discovered frequently and the rate at which cybercriminals develop sophisticated attack techniques using these exploits or vulnerabilities continues to increase. Even if you diligently avoid visiting questionable websites, your most-visited reputable websites may still have fallen victim to an attack.

Cybercriminals often compromise these trusted sites or addons (ie adverts) on these websites. They inject malicious code into their pages or advertisements without the website owner’s knowledge and by simply visiting the website you could expose your outdated operating system to potential threats.

The Danger of No-Click Attacks

One of the most concerning aspects of running an unsupported operating system is the rise of no-click or drive-by attacks. In these attacks, you do not even need to interact with anything on a website or in an email to become infected.

Just by visiting a compromised website or viewing a malicious email could be enough for your unpatched system to be compromised. These attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in the operating system itself, bypassing the need for user interaction.

The Urgency of Upgrading

It is important to understand that relying solely on your “safe” browsing habits is not enough to protect your outdated operating system from modern cyber threats. Upgrading to a newer, supported operating system is essential for maintaining robust cybersecurity, as you gain access to the latest security updates and patches. Upgrading helps safeguard your personal and financial information and ensures your system’s overall integrity and reliability.

While it is always a good idea to exercise caution when browsing the internet, the belief that staying away from shady websites and avoiding suspicious links is enough to protect an outdated operating system is definitely misguided.


Don’t fall into the illusion of safety: take the necessary steps to upgrade your operating system and fortify your cybersecurity defences ASAP. If you need help, contact our professional technicians for a free no obligation chat.