The Business Owner’s Checklist When Buying Tech

Buying new tech

Investing in new technology for your business is no small decision. It is easy to get swayed by the latest fancy gadgets and special deals which can end up with buyer’s remorse especially when you don’t fully understand it and how it will fit into your business. Here are some key questions you need to ask and / or address before making that investment. Continue reading

When Your IT Goes Wrong, Who Do You Call?

IT support - who do you call?

It is late on a Friday afternoon, and you have just sat down to focus on an important project that is due. You then notice your internet connection is not working, the printer on the other side of the office starts beeping with an error, a pop-up appears on your computer saying your antivirus subscription needs to be renewed and you remember you forgot to look at the backup failure message from last week. Continue reading

Internet Redundancy / Failover

Network Redundancy / Failover

In today’s digital age, businesses cannot operate without a reliable internet connection. However, recent events, such as last years Optus outage, have shown us the potential risks of relying on a single network source. Continue reading

Don’t Settle for Less: Upgrade Your IT Provider

Proactive IT support

As a business owner, you may already have an existing IT support provider or MSP that handles your IT needs. However, have you ever considered if they still truly meet your needs and expectations? Just settling for the status quo and sticking with the “devil you know” may not always be the best approach to your current business’s needs. Continue reading

10 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes of Australian Small Businesses


It is often lax cybersecurity practices that enable cybercriminals to breach companies. This is especially true when it comes to SMBs (small and mid-sized businesses) as they often don’t prioritise cybersecurity measures. They may be just fully focused on growing the company and they think they have a lower data breach risk. Cybersecurity is not only a concern for large corporations and is a critical issue for small businesses as well. Small businesses are often seen as attractive targets for cybercriminals as they don’t spend the time to implement proper cyber security defensive methods. Continue reading

Finding The Right Balance of Security and Usability

Balancing security and usability

Every day there there is news about some new malware, data leak or company hack. Your business is vigilant, but it feels like you always have to be doing more about cybersecurity to remain protected. Meanwhile, you want to balance security measures with convenience, usability and cost. That balancing act puts you somewhere on the sliding scale of security. Continue reading

Handling Tech During An Office Move

Moving Tech

Moving offices and locations can be a very stressful and chaotic time, especially when it comes to moving your technology. Whether you are relocating your entire business to a new location or moving between offices in the same building, it is essential to take extra care when it comes to your technology. To help you plan the moving process, we have put together a handy checklist for you to use to help ensure your technology remains safe and sound. Continue reading

Can Your Business Survive An Internet Outage?

No internet - internet down!

In today’s world being connected to the Internet on a reliable basis is a must for all businesses. Cloud computing has given us greater mobility than ever before and we can sign into video conferences on our phones, collaborate on presentations from a laptop or edit a file on a tablet on the sidelines of your child’s soccer match. Yet all these things rely on a reliable internet connection. But what happens if that Internet connection fails? Continue reading

What A Data Breach Looks Like

Security breaches

When most businesses get breached, the business owners don’t know until well after the event. This blog article aims to show some of the signs of a data breach so that you can help you mitigate the damage. Continue reading

Small Businesses Are Attacked 3x More Than Larger Ones

Small Businesses Are Attacked 3x More Than Larger Ones

As a small business owner do you feel more secure from cyberattacks because of your size?

Maybe you think that you could not possibly have anything that a hacker would be interested in?

Did not think that the bad guy even knew about your small business? Continue reading