Returning to Work: Prioritising Safety with IT

Returning to work after COVID

Your business may have the OK to go ahead and get back to work on-site, but you don’t want to risk people’s health by doing so. After all, some “experts” say it is fine and other “experts” say it is too soon and a second wave of COVID-19 is likely to occur (see our blog here on how to plan for a second coming). With conflicting opinions like this it is hard for employers to know what to do and how to best protect both their clients and employees health. This article provides some suggestions to help you return to work while prioritising safety. Continue reading

COVID the Sequel: Revisit Business Continuity Plans

Second Covid Wave

Many of us are in locations that are starting to relax restrictions but there is a potential  sequel that no one wants – COVID: The Second Wave. Despite the lack of interest, we could potentially face another coronavirus pandemic. Most experts predict things will get bad again later this year. At least business can plan ahead and revisit their continuity plans. Continue reading

Protecting Your Computers While Working from Home

Home Computer Security

Many families today have a shared home computer to help with all their normal day-to-day activities. A teen can do school work, play games and chat to friends, a parent can check work emails, pay household bills and shop online while the youngsters play some games and browse YouTube. Yet with COVID-19 sending so many people home to work, the shared computer is getting a lot more use and is now also being used for business or corporate work. Continue reading

What Computer Repair Can Be Done Remotely?

Remote Computer Repair

In the current environment it is totally understandable that you don’t want people in your office. Fortunately, with technology today, it’s much easier for IT professionals to resolve computer and network issues remotely. This blog article will help show you what IT issues can be addressed remotely. Continue reading

Work From Home: Revisiting Business Etiquette

Online Meeting Etiquette

Working from home is a brand new new thing for many people and businesses. This blog article describes a variety of professional tips for business etiquette for remote work. Continue reading