Computer Problems We Can Help You Solve

Proactive IT supportUnlike quick-fix IT relationships, a proactive or managed service provider isn’t there just to solve one off problems and leave. Your IT support provider should be there to guide your business through the ever-changing technology landscape. Continue reading

Cloud or NAS Device – Which is Better?

NASCloud computing has been the biggest buzzword in business for the past few year, and for good reason too. The cloud provides many businesses with a new-found freedom to do and achieve more than ever before. Greater collaboration, the ability to work in new locations combined with low costs provide a healthy boost for many companies. Continue reading

Keeping Control of Your Business with Office 365

Office 365Office 365 (or O365) represents a shift in the way businesses and IT operate. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend you schedule a demo with us ASAP. While it is similar to the Microsoft Office desktop package that businesses have used for decades; Office 365 does even more. It provides the critical tools you need to modernize your business environment, take control of your business and brings corporate grade functionality to your business at a low price.

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How to Protect Your Business & Your Customers Privacy and Security

Unknown threatsSecurity and privacy are at the very top of our priorities when considering your business IT needs. Major data leaks are now in the news on a daily basis and these leaks costs the companies thousands if not millions of dollars. Our number one goal is to make sure our clients and their businesses are kept out of danger to the best of our abilities.

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OK Google, How Safe Are You Really?

Ok, Google

More and more people are implementing smart homes and including devices such asĀ  Google Home and Amazon Alexa. Android and iOS devices also include assistant technology. Smart home assistants can help users by searching online, starting phone calls, ordering groceries, playing music and turning on devices all with a single spoken command.

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