If You Find a USB Drive – Destroy It!

Malicious USB

If you ever come across a USB or thumb drive, that you do not recognize, leave it where it is or destroy it. It may be one you found on the ground outside your office, in a public place or even one sent to you out of the blue. Yes you may be curious and want to return it to its owner or see what it contains but the risks are too high. Continue reading

Are Your Cloud Accounts Configured Correctly?

Cloud Account Configurations

Misconfiguration of cloud solutions is often overlooked when companies plan cybersecurity strategies. Cloud apps are typically quick and easy to sign up for and the users assume that they do not need to worry about security because it is handled by the provider. This is an incorrect assumption because cloud security is a shared model. The provider of the solution handles securing their backend infrastructure and the user is responsible for configuring security settings in their actual account. The problem with misconfiguration is huge and is the number one cause of cloud data breaches. Continue reading

Why You Should Upgrade To Windows 11

Windows 11

Microsoft released the Windows 11 OS or Operating System over a year ago and it has been well-received as stable and user-friendly. The OS is not a large departure from the Windows 10 experience but does offer a lot of improvements over the older environment. With improvements and a free upgrade for Windows 10 users, it still lags in adoption though. As of November 2022, Windows 10 still owns a 69.75 percent usage share as compared to 16.13 percent for Windows 11. Continue reading