The Most Serious Cyber Threats in 2025 and How to Avoid Them!

Security Problems

In 2025, cyber threats are everywhere. There aim may be to destroy computers, steal data or take money. Understanding what these threats are and how to stop them will help protect both yourself and your business. Continue reading

Adopt These IT Tips To Stay Secure Online

Cyber Security

You regularly service your car but how often do you look at your IT environment and keep that up to date and secure?

Good cyber habits help keep you safe from hackers on the internet. Let us check some easy ways to stay safe online in 2025. Continue reading

Your Employees Are Your Biggest Security Risk!

Balancing security and usability

Running a business in today’s environment means keeping your systems secure is a top priority. While you may invest in firewalls, antivirus software and regularly patch your systems, there is one area that is often overlooked: your employees. Continue reading

Cyber Security Is No Longer Optional – It Is Essential

Security Problems

Todays businesses heavily rely on the internet to operate and communicate, but with this comes a vital need: cybersecurity protection. Continue reading

Be Wary When Scanning QR Codes As New Scams Emerge


You can find QR codes are everywhere these days, on restaurant menus, in shops, flyers and posters. QR codes are convenient and easy to use and you can easily scan them with your smartphone camera to go to a website, a coupon, a video or some other online content. Continue reading

The Risks of QR Codes


Quick Response (QR) codes have been around for over 20 years, but were not used a lot until recently. During the COVI-19 pandemic, businesses needed a safe, contactless solution and QR codes provided an easy way for customers to access menus, place orders, log into WiFi and more – all without touching shared surfaces. Continue reading

7 Tips To Prevent Mobile Malware

Mobile Device Security

Cybersecurity researchers uncovered that mobile malware attacks surged by 500% a the start of 2022. This is alarming both in scale and the fact that many people are not yet protecting their smartphones. Year after year, mobile phones have become more powerful and today can do many of the same functions as a computer – just with a much smaller screen. But people tend to secure their computers much better than they do with their smartphones and this needs to change as over 60% of digital fraud now occurs through mobile devices! This makes all mobile devices a high risk if proper safeguards are not followed. Continue reading

Cybersecurity Attack Trends To Look Out For In 2023

Cyber Security

2023 is just about here, and you should start to plan for the new year. Sixty-eight percent of surveyed business leaders feel that cybersecurity risks are getting worse and this is the area you should start to take seriously (if you haven’t already) and look at the attack trends. Continue reading

Small Businesses Are Attacked 3x More Than Larger Ones

Small Businesses Are Attacked 3x More Than Larger Ones

As a small business owner do you feel more secure from cyberattacks because of your size?

Maybe you think that you could not possibly have anything that a hacker would be interested in?

Did not think that the bad guy even knew about your small business? Continue reading