What Cybersecurity Issues Are Hiding In Your Business?

Cyber Security

We are tend to ignore or put off issues that we don’t know about, think are too hard to fix or believe it won’t happen to me. Here are some of the most common cybersecurity issues faced by SMBs that that could leave your business in danger if left unchecked. Continue reading

7 Tips To Prevent Mobile Malware

Mobile Device Security

Cybersecurity researchers uncovered that mobile malware attacks surged by 500% a the start of 2022. This is alarming both in scale and the fact that many people are not yet protecting their smartphones. Year after year, mobile phones have become more powerful and today can do many of the same functions as a computer – just with a much smaller screen. But people tend to secure their computers much better than they do with their smartphones and this needs to change as over 60% of digital fraud now occurs through mobile devices! This makes all mobile devices a high risk if proper safeguards are not followed. Continue reading