10 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes of Australian Small Businesses


It is often lax cybersecurity practices that enable cybercriminals to breach companies. This is especially true when it comes to SMBs (small and mid-sized businesses) as they often don’t prioritise cybersecurity measures. They may be just fully focused on growing the company and they think they have a lower data breach risk. Cybersecurity is not only a concern for large corporations and is a critical issue for small businesses as well. Small businesses are often seen as attractive targets for cybercriminals as they don’t spend the time to implement proper cyber security defensive methods. Continue reading

What Cybersecurity Issues Are Hiding In Your Business?

Cyber Security

We are tend to ignore or put off issues that we don’t know about, think are too hard to fix or believe it won’t happen to me. Here are some of the most common cybersecurity issues faced by SMBs that that could leave your business in danger if left unchecked. Continue reading

Do You Secure Your Laptop?

Laptop security

Do you have a laptop? How you would feel if your laptop was lost or stolen. Maybe you looked away for a moment at the café or airport, or someone broke into your office, house or car. Continue reading

Autofill Passwords – Is It Secure?


“What was that password again? Damnit, I don’t remember!” We have all forgotten passwords. When the auto password fill on our Web browsers was added it felt like a miracle, but this convenience may not be entirely safe. Continue reading

What form of MFA Is The Best?

2FA / MFA Issues

With a lot of business processes now largely cloud-based, compromised passwords are the quickest and easiest way for bad guys to exploit computer systems. So how can you protect your online and offline accounts and data? The best way is with multi-factor authentication (MFA). See our blog article on Why Multi-Factor Authentication is Important.  Continue reading

The Power of a Password Manager

Password Managers

All of us like to think that we are unique and that thinking extends to our passwords too, right? We are special and distinct, and no one could guess our specific combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Well, did you know that it is very easy for computers to very quickly determine passwords. So, using a password manager is a great move, as you can securely store your passwords in an easily retrievable way. But is your master password for your password manager secure, original and long enough? Continue reading

How the Bad Guys Get Your Passwords

Password thiefPasswords are an essential part to your businesses cybersafety. If, like the rest of us, you have dozens of passwords to remember, you might take shortcuts. Taking advantage of this type of attitude is one way bad guys access your passwords. Continue reading