Is Complacency Your Cybersecurity Blind Spot?

Security complacency

When it comes to cybersecurity, the biggest threats to most SMB’s is not a faceless hacker in a dark room, it is complacency. Many managers and business owners think that since nothing bad has happened yet, then nothing will! This mindset though can lead to disastrous consequences. Continue reading

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Internet Router?

Modern router

Have you noticed your internet experience declining recently, do you have bad wireless coverage throughout your office or concerned about the security of your network? If so, it may be time for an upgrade. Continue reading

10 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes of Australian Small Businesses


It is often lax cybersecurity practices that enable cybercriminals to breach companies. This is especially true when it comes to SMBs (small and mid-sized businesses) as they often don’t prioritise cybersecurity measures. They may be just fully focused on growing the company and they think they have a lower data breach risk. Cybersecurity is not only a concern for large corporations and is a critical issue for small businesses as well. Small businesses are often seen as attractive targets for cybercriminals as they don’t spend the time to implement proper cyber security defensive methods. Continue reading

Combatting Security Fatigue

Security Fatigue

I know I keep on going on about security and you keep getting prompted for another password change or to install another security update. These are frustrating and can lead to cybersecurity fatigue. You can’t stop securing your tech and doing updates, but what can you do to combat both your own and your employees annoyance with the process. Continue reading

Common Cyber Security Myths Debunked

Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

In many areas there are myths that we accept as fact. Some of these are actually quite dangerous: this article debunks some cybersecurity myths so that you can keep your business safe. Continue reading

11 Ways to Keep Hackers At Bay

Cyber Security

No matter if you are a big or small organisation you need to take your cybersecurity seriously. Otherwise, you might be leaving the door open for criminals to compromise your business and cause issues. Continue reading

What to Do If You Get Hit With Ransomware

What to do if you are hit by ransomware

If you get hit with ransomware there will be a number of indications, including:

  • A screen telling you that your business files are encrypted.
  • You can’t open any of your documents.
  • Your files may have a weird extension of different icon.
  • there will be instructions for how to pay up to recover your files.

This blog article details a number of steps you can take instead of paying the ransom straight away. Continue reading

What Is Shadow IT And Why Is It An Issue?

Shadow ITShadow IT are the things that employees download onto a business system that management and / or the IT department doesn’t know about, and it can be a big problem. Continue reading

Is Misconfiguration Making Your Business Vulnerable?

Unknown threats

Reports of cybersecurity attacks on companies and government agencies are unfortunately too common these days. Millions of access credentials are breached and millions of dollars are lost to ransomware attack everyday. You may think you are protected, but even a single undetected misconfiguration could mean trouble and open to attack. Continue reading

Why Everyone Should Be Terrified of Ransomware


If you want to scare someone in computing then start talking to them about ransomware. There are few things as scary for IT professionals as the prospect of systems locking up with hackers demanding money to return things back to normal. Continue reading