People: The Human Firewall

Cyber Security

Data security and privacy is not just a concern for large companies as it is crucial item for every business to consider. Imagine a scenario where a simple slip-up with sensitive information could lead to significant financial loss, damage to your reputation and / or  legal issues. This can be scary, but do not worry, because you can safeguard your business by turning your employees into human firewalls. Here are some ways on how to do this: Continue reading

Are You Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Technology?

Tech Support

Shiny new technology can be exciting for some people but can scare others! In todays world, new tech can be a must to stay competitive and it increased efficiency, happier employees and a competitive edge. That promise can turn into a financial nightmare if employees can’t use their technology. This can then cause productivity to drop, mistakes and customer service to fall. This blog shows the common staff technology issues as provides solutions. Continue reading

Common Cyber Security Myths Debunked

Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

In many areas there are myths that we accept as fact. Some of these are actually quite dangerous: this article debunks some cybersecurity myths so that you can keep your business safe. Continue reading

Staff Security Training

It is a sad but true fact that your employees are your number one cyber-security threat.

They are often the main gateway through which hackers gain their way into your business. All it takes, is one staff member clicking on one wrong link in an email, for cyber-criminals to get in. Continue reading

Do Not Get Hooked By a Whaling Attack

Whaling Attack

The executives of your company are the big fish in your sea and cyber-criminals think of them as whales. In fact, whaling is a new cyber-security threat targeting your C-suite level staff. Continue reading

Are You Doing Your IT Due Diligence?

Due DiligenceDue diligence is about taking care and being cautious in doing business. As technology pervades most areas of business people forget that due diligence also extends to how you manage your technology! You may think you are immune to a data breach or cyberattack, but cybercriminals can target you regardless of your business size or industry sector. Continue reading

Don’t Be Hooked by Spear Phishing Attacks


Spear phishing attacksPhishing attacks are designed to steal your credentials or trick you into installing malicious software and still exist because they are so devastatingly simple and effective. But as with most things they evolve overtime and unfortunately become even more effective.

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