Finding The Right Balance of Security and Usability

Balancing security and usability

Every day there there is news about some new malware, data leak or company hack. Your business is vigilant, but it feels like you always have to be doing more about cybersecurity to remain protected. Meanwhile, you want to balance security measures with convenience, usability and cost. That balancing act puts you somewhere on the sliding scale of security. Continue reading

Do You Secure Your Laptop?

Laptop security

Do you have a laptop? How you would feel if your laptop was lost or stolen. Maybe you looked away for a moment at the café or airport, or someone broke into your office, house or car. Continue reading

Ransomware is a Risk for Everyone – Big or Small!

Ransomware - Need To Know

Most people see reports on ransomware hitting government departments,  hospitals and other big name companies. As such they think it won’t happen to them as the bad guys are just targeting the larger companies and organisations, but ransomware can just as easily infect your own computer. Continue reading

3 Ways You Can Get Infected With Ransomware

What to do if you are hit by ransomware

There’s been a lot in the news over the last few weeks about ransomware attacks. As the media can give people the wrong impression let me clear up some things for you. Continue reading

7 Things You Need to Know About Ransomware!

Ransomware - Need To Know

Ransomware is a when cybercriminals kidnap your data (via encryption) and then demand money so that you can decrypt your own data. It sounds scary and it certainly is! Here are the top seven things you need to know about ransomware. Continue reading