Handling Tech During An Office Move

Moving Tech

Moving offices and locations can be a very stressful and chaotic time, especially when it comes to moving your technology. Whether you are relocating your entire business to a new location or moving between offices in the same building, it is essential to take extra care when it comes to your technology. To help you plan the moving process, we have put together a handy checklist for you to use to help ensure your technology remains safe and sound.

1. Back Up Your Data

Before you start unplugging things, make sure you have backed up all your data. Even if you already have a cloud or local back up, make a secondary backup of all your important files, finance data, documents, photos and any other irreplaceable information. An external hard drive or cloud storage is great or having copied save to both is ideal. If the worst happens and something unfortunate happen during the move, your important files will be intact.

2. Take Photos of the Setup

Before unplugging cables from your devices, take a quick photo of how the cables are setup and where they re plugged into. This visual reference will be helpful when it is time to set up everything at the new location as you won’t have to worry about remembering where each cable goes.

3. Label and Neatly Bundle Cables

We all know the struggle of messy cables and forgetting which cable goes where. Fix this issue but labelling each cable as to what is is and which computer it belongs to.

Also take the time to neatly wrap them and use cable ties or twist ties to keep them neatly bundled. This easy step will save you time and frustration later.

4. Pack Devices Carefully

When packing your devices, if possible, use their original boxes as it is designed to provide the best protection during shipping.

If you do not have the original boxes, don’t despair, instead use sturdy cardboard boxes. Then wrap each device in bubble wrap or anti-static foam to prevent any damage and place into the boxes. Fill any empty spaces in the boxes with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to ensure a snug fit.

5. Pack Your Internet and Wireless Equipment Separately

Connecting to the internet is usually one of the first things everyone wants to do after a office move. To make it easier, pack all your Internet router and Wi-Fi network equipment separately from other items. The includes your modem, router, ethernet cables, wireless access points and other network connectors. Clearly label the box “Internet Equipment” so you will know where to go to get online fast.

6. Remove Ink Cartridges and Batteries

It might seem easier to just move your printers “as is”, but that is not a good idea. For printers and devices that use ink, it is important to remove those cartridges before packing them. Ink cartridges can leak or dry out during transit and either cause a mess or render them useless.

Remove batteries from devices such as laptops, cameras and remote controls. This precaution prevents accidental power-on and potential damage during the move.

So remember to remove the cartridges and pack the cartridges and batteries separately in sealed bags and label them.

7. Secure Your Screens

If you moving devices monitors and / or televisions, you need to take extra precautions to protect them from scratches and cracks. Place a soft cloth or microfiber cloth over the screen and secure it with elastic bands or tape. This will shield the screen from any accidental contact during transit and help protect against damage. Additionally, make sure to pack these items in a vertical position.

8. Inform Everyone About Any Fragile Items

If you are using professional movers, or even if it is just other office workers or friends helping you move, be sure to inform them of any fragile or easily damaged items. Clearly label all the boxes containing your valuable devices as “fragile” and provide verbal instructions to handle them with care. By communicating your concerns upfront, you reduce the chances of any accidents while moving.

9. Test Everything

Test all the equipment before and after the move. Once you have moved your technology and reconnected the cables, switch the devices on. Test them to ensure they work as usual and are not damaged. Something may not look damaged on the outside but that does not mean that there is no internal damage. You want to know this as soon as possible so you can make any changes or call in IT help ASAP.

Need Help with Your Next Move?

Moving can be a stressful, hectic and challenging process, but with the right planning and approach, you can ensure the safety of your devices. If you need help with your tech items, contact us today to schedule a chat.