6 Ways to Enhance Your Email Security

Email security

Email is a fundamental communication tool for businesses and individuals alike, thus this makes it a prime target for cybercriminals. As cyberattacks are increasing in sophistication, your email security has never been more critical.

Ninety-five percent of IT leaders say cyberattacks have become most sophisticated with over half (51%) using AI powered attacks.

By taking proactive measures, you can help protect your sensitive information as well as prevent unauthorised access and maintain communication integrity. Here are six simple steps to enhance your email security.

1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Passwords are the first line of defence for your email accounts. Weak passwords are like an open invitation for cybercriminals. To enhance your email security, use strong  unique passwords that are difficult to guess.

Create Complex Passwords

A strong password should include a mix of:

    • Letters (both uppercase and lowercase)
    • Numbers
    • Special characters

You need to avoid using common words or phrases and avoid easily guessable information like your name or birthdate. A complex password makes it harder for attackers to gain access to your email account.

Avoid Reusing Password

Using the same password across many accounts increases your risk dramatically as if one account gets compromised, all accounts using the same password are vulnerable. Make sure all of your online accounts has a unique password. This prevents a single breach from spreading across other accounts.

Use a Password Manager

As you need complex and unique passwords for each account, remembering them all can be challenging. A password manager can help you generate and store unique passwords for all accounts. With a password manager, you only need to remember one master password – the one to login to you password manager!. This simplifies the process and enhances security.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your email accounts. Even if someone gets hold of your password, they won’t be able to access your account as they don’t have access to your second factor of authentication.

Choose a 2FA Method

Common 2FA methods include SMS codes, authenticator apps, and hardware tokens:

    • SMS codes send a verification code to your phone.
    • Authenticator apps (eg MS Authenticator) generate time-sensitive codes on your device.
    • Hardware tokens provide physical devices that generate a code.

Choose the method that best suits your needs but be mindful that SMS is least secure, followed by authenticator apps and then hardware tokens being the most secure.

Set Up 2FA for All Accounts

Enable 2FA for all your email accounts. Most email providers offer this feature and setting it up only takes just a few minutes. This simple step significantly improves your email security.

3. Be Cautious with Email Attachments and Links

Email attachments and links are common vectors for malware and phishing attacks. Clicking on a malicious link or attachment can quickly give attackers access to your system, so exercise extreme caution to protect your email accounts. Some ways to check the validity of links and attachments are:

Verify the Sender

Before opening an attachment or clicking on a link, verify the sender’s identity. If you receive an unexpected email from someone you know, contact them. But do it through a different channel to confirm they sent it. For emails from unknown senders, exercise extra caution and consider just deleting the message.

Avoid Clicking on Suspicious Links

Be wary of links that seem out of place or too good to be true. Hover over the link to see the URL before clicking. If the URL looks suspicious or unfamiliar, don’t click on it. Instead, navigate to the site directly by going to the legitimate website address.

Scan Attachments

Use antivirus software to scan email attachments before opening them. This helps detect and block any malicious content before it can harm your system. Many email providers also offer built-in scanning features. While scanning an attachment adds an extra layer of protection it does not mean that the attachment is 100% safe.

4. Keep Your Email Software Updated

Software updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities in your email client. Keep your email software updated as this ensures you have the latest protections against known threats.

Enable Automatic Updates

Most email clients and operating systems offer automatic updates. Enable this feature to ensures your software stays up to date without requiring manual intervention. Automatic updates reduce the risk of missing critical security patches.

Regularly Check for Updates

Even with automatic updates enabled, it is good practice to manually check for updates. This ensures you do not miss any important security patches. It also helps keep your email client running smoothly and securely.

5. Use Encryption for Sensitive Emails

Encryption adds a layer of protection to your emails. It encodes the content, making it readable only by the intended recipient. This ensures that even intercepted email information remains secure.

Encrypt Emails Containing Sensitive Information

If you need to send sensitive information via email, use encryption. This protects the content. Many email providers offer built-in encryption options and for added security, consider using third-party encryption tools that offer end-to-end encryption.

Educate Recipients

If you are sending encrypted emails, make sure the recipients know how to decrypt them. Thus you need to provide clear instructions about how to access the encrypted content securely.

6. Watch Your Email Activity

Regularly monitoring your email activity can help you detect suspicious behaviour early and allow you can take swift action if something seems off.

Set Up Activity Alerts

Many email providers offer activity alerts. They notify you of unusual login attempts or changes to your account settings. Enable these alerts to stay informed about your account’s security status.

Regularly Review Your Account Activity

Review your email account activity on a regular basis. This includes login history and devices connected to your account. If you notice any unfamiliar activity, change your password immediately and investigate further.

Respond Quickly to Suspicious Activity

If you detect any suspicious activity in your email account, respond quickly. Change your passwords, review your security settings and consider enabling extra security measures.

Get Expert Email Security Solutions

Email security is essential for protecting your personal and professional information. We have solutions that can effectively reduce the potential for email compromise as well as reduce phishing risk.

Contact us today to schedule a chat about email security.

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