What To Do When You Accidentally Send an Email to the Wrong Person


We have all accidentally sent an email to the wrong person? You can easily enter the wrong email address, autocompleted the incorrect contact, clicked “reply all” without realising who was on the CC list or chosen the wrong name from your contact list.

Whatever the reason, the email is now in the wrong inbox. So what can you do? Here are some steps to help you manage this common but potentially embarrassing situation.

Recall the Email

One of the first things you can try is to recall the email – in some instances it is possible to “unsend” an email. Without getting too technical, it can often be recalled with some email providers if the email is still on their server (think of it as being still at the post office) and has yet to arrive in the recipient’s inbox.

However, once it is in the recipient’s inbox, you can’t recall it. Here is how you can recall a message:

  1. Outlook: In Microsoft Outlook, go to your Sent Items folder, open the email, and select “Actions,” then “Recall This Message”. Then follow the prompts to delete the copies of the email.
  2. Gmail: Gmail offers an “Undo Send” feature, which can delay sending your email for up to 30 seconds. However, this feature must have been enabled before you sent the email. To enable it, go to Settings > General > Undo Send. When you send an email, you’ll see an option to “Undo” in the screen’s bottom-left corner.

If recalling the email is not an option, you will need to move on to the next steps.

Assess the Seriousness of the Incident

The next step is to assess the seriousness of the incident. The nature of the email will determine your response.

Simple Mistake
If you just made a simple mistake and the email doesn’t contain any sensitive or embarrassing information, you can write a brief message such as:

“Dear [Recipient’s Name], I apologise for any confusion, but I accidentally sent you an email intended for someone else. Please delete it. I appreciate your understanding.”

Professional Emails
If it is a more professional email, such as one containing internal business information or sensitive but non-critical details, you should send a follow-up email to explain the mistake and request that the recipient ignore and delete the message. Your follow-up could look like this:

“Dear [Recipient’s Name], I apologise for the inconvenience, but I accidentally sent you an email intended for another recipient. Please disregard and delete the email. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.”

Sensitive Information
If the email contains sensitive information, such as customer financial data or  medical data, you need to handle the situation more carefully. You may also need to report the incident under the compliance rules that affect your industry. This might involve:

    1. Reporting to authorities: Depending on the nature of the information and your industry regulations, you may need to report the breach to data protection authorities.
    2. Notifying your supervisor or IT department: Immediately inform your supervisor or IT department about the breach. They can then guide you on the next steps to mitigate potential damage.
    3. Communicating with the recipient: Politely but firmly request that the recipient delete the email and not share its contents. For example:

“Dear [Recipient’s Name], I regret that I accidentally sent you an email containing sensitive information. Please delete the email immediately and do not share its contents with anyone. Your cooperation is crucial and appreciated. Thank you.”

Steps to Take for Future Prevention

It is equally important to prevent similar incidents in the future, here are some preventive measures:

  1. Double-check the recipients: Always double-check the recipient’s email address before hitting send as this simple habit can save you a lot of trouble.
  2. Be cautious with autocomplete: Be cautious when using autocomplete for email addresses. Take an extra moment to ensure the correct person has been selected can say a lot of headaches.
  3. Use delayed sending: Consider using the delayed-sending feature available in many email clients. This can give you a small window to catch mistakes. In Gmail, you can set a delay of up to 30 seconds and in Outlook, you can also disable the option to send immediately.
  4. Training and policies: Implement training for staff on the importance of verifying recipient details, and establish clear policies for handling email communication, especially for sensitive information.
  5. Confidential mode: Use the confidential mode in email clients such as Gmail, which allows you to set expiration dates and require recipients to enter a passcode to read emails. This adds an extra layer of security.


Sending an email to the wrong person can be stressful, but knowing how to handle it can help mitigate any potential damage. By recalling the email if possible, assessing the seriousness of the incident, and taking steps to prevent future mistakes, you can manage the situation.

Mistakes happen, but with the right approach, their impact can be minimized.

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