8 Cyber Security Tips To Help Secure Your Business

Do Macs Get Viruses?

Cyber security and Internet attacks has been all over the Australian media recently after the recent press conference from The Prime Minister – Scott Morrison. During the press conference, he mentioned that Australian Businesses, government agencies and other entities are under an active cyber attack campaign by a “state-based actor”. Scott didn’t elaborate too much on who they are but urged businesses to check and if needed increase their cyber security.

This has created some concern amongst business owners so we put together this brief list on some ways they can help protect their companies:

  1. Ensure you have a working backup and regularly test it!
  2. Ensure all your computers and servers have security software installed and is up to date.
  3. Check that all their software and operating systems have all the latest patches and security updates installed.
  4. Double check that each system has its software based firewall turned on.
  5. Use multi factor authentication – see our blog article on Why Multi-Factor Authentication is important.
  6. Filter your incoming email for malware and spam in the cloud before it has a chance to enter your network.
  7. Use a dedicated firewall or UTM device. Yes the majority of modem / routers have a so called “firewall” but to properly protect your business a dedicated firewall or UTM device is needed. See our blog article on Why Your Business Needs a Firewall for more information.
  8. Train your staff in cyber security. You can have all the latest and greatest hardware and software protections in place but all it takes is for one user to inadvertently click on a link or download a program to bypass it all.

For more information please contact us here at DP Computing and we can help improve your network security.

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