Cyber Security Is No Longer Optional – It Is Essential

Security Problems

Todays businesses heavily rely on the internet to operate and communicate, but with this comes a vital need: cybersecurity protection.

This protection is no longer optional for any business, big or small. Every piece of data you handle needs robust protection as cyberthreats are real, and the consequences of ignoring them can be devastating.

The Misconception: “Who Would Target Me?”

Many small businesses think that they are flying under the radar. They ask, “Why would a hacker target my small business?” In the real world though, cybercriminals do not discriminate. In fact, small businesses are often prime targets precisely because they underestimate the risk. They assume their modest size and lower profile keep them safe, but this false sense of security can lead to severe repercussions such as:

Financial Losses

Cyberattacks can drain your finances faster than you might think. The costs associated with a breach include not only immediate losses but also long-term financial damage. Recovering all your valuable data, restoring systems and managing public relations can all add up.

Loss of Productivity

A breach often means downtime. When your systems are compromised, your business operations can grind to a halt. The time spent dealing with the fallout of an attack is time not spent serving your customers and growing your business.

Damage to Reputation

Your reputation is invaluable. A single breach can erode the trust you have built with your customers over many years. News of a data breach travels fast and the damage to your reputation can be long-lasting, if not permanent.

Business Continuity Problems

Cyberattacks can jeopardise your business’s ability to continue operating. The aftermath of a significant breach can leave your business struggling to recover and, in the worst-case scenarios lead to closure.

Legal Liability

If you store any sort of personal information (names, addresses, date of birth, email etc) any security issue may cause you to be in breach of data privacy and protection laws.

The Reality of Breach Discovery

According to IBM, it takes an average company 197 days to discover a breach and up to 69 days to contain it. The longer it takes to detect and address a breach, the more costly it becomes. This delay can exacerbate all the impacts mentioned earlier, making a fast response critical.

Insurance and Cybersecurity

Insurance companies’ practices highlight the seriousness of cybersecurity. Today, many business insurance providers require you to complete a cybersecurity checklist before they insure you. They understand the risks involved and want you to also understand the risk and put in place protections before offering coverage.

Why Do Businesses Neglect Cybersecurity?

Despite the clear risks, many businesses still neglect cybersecurity. Here are some reasons why:

Lack of Awareness

Many business owners aren’t fully aware of the threats they face or the importance of cybersecurity. This ignorance can lead to a false sense of security.

No Internal IT Staff

Small businesses often don’t have dedicated IT staff to handle cybersecurity. This lack of internal expertise can leave them vulnerable to attacks.

Cost Concerns

Investing in cybersecurity can seem expensive, especially for small businesses operating on tight budgets. However, the cost of a breach far outweighs the investment in preventive measures.


Some businesses believe their existing measures are sufficient. They might have basic security in place but underestimate the sophistication of modern cyberthreats.

The Non-Negotiable Necessity of Cybersecurity

In an era of increasing data breaches and cyberthreats, cybersecurity is not just an add-on, as it is now a fundamental part of running a business.

Imagine leaving your office doors open at night, assuming no one will walk in and steal something. That is what neglecting cybersecurity is akin to in the digital world. It’s an open invitation to cybercriminals who are constantly on the lookout for vulnerable targets.

The Growing Threat Landscape

The threat landscape is evolving and cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated. They are using advanced techniques to exploit even the smallest vulnerabilities. With the rise of remote work and digital transformation, the attack surface has expanded, making it even more critical to have comprehensive cybersecurity measures in place. Phishing scams, ransomware, and data breaches are just the tip of the security iceberg.

Cybersecurity as a Competitive Advantage

While having good cybersecurity is an additional cost, it can also be a competitive advantage, because customers, partners and stakeholders are more likely to trust a business that takes data protection seriously. It demonstrates a commitment to security and privacy, building confidence in your brand.

Get Ahead of Cybersecurity

It’s crucial to be proactive rather than picking up the pieces after a breach. Investing in cybersecurity is investing in the future of your business. This is where we come in. As an IT service provider, we help protect businesses from cyberthreats and can help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure your data and operations are secure.

Some simple things to improve your cybersecurity today are:

  • Endpoint security software.
  • Enforce multifactor authentication (MFA) on all email, social media and other online accounts.
  • Backup all your data.
  • Install operating system updates.

Note that these are the very basic things you should be doing, to fully ensure your security you also need:

  • dark web scans.
  • firewall / network edge security.
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software.
  • regular cyber security training.
  • phishing simulations.
  • DNS filtering.
  • conditional access rules.
  • Operating system and application patching.
  • Password manager.
  • Identity management.
  • Local admin blocking.
  • Application blocking.
  • SOC (security operations center) monitoring.
  • And the list goes on.

Most small business owners can’t do this all themselves. To fully strengthen your security posture, please contact DP Computing. We can provide a security audit and inform you on your weaknesses and how you can improve.