Cloud vs. Dedicated Server Cost: Which Is The Better Deal?

Cloud Server

Most modern businesses’ IT infrastructures rely on servers for various operations, including everything from hosting the website to storing the data. 

If your business IT infrastructure relies on servers, you need to make sure that the server is reliable, cost-effective, and fast, and the two best server platforms are cloud and dedicated servers. 

But which of the two is right for you? Should you stick to a dedicated server or upgrade to a cloud server? The decision can be confusing, but don’t worry, here’s a guide to help you make that decision easier. Continue reading

How and Why Small Businesses Shift to Local IT Services

Local Tech Support

A common roadblock that many small businesses face is managing their IT needs. If your business relies heavily on the internet, any issues with the network could significantly affect productivity for that day. Another important factor is the sensitive information you have stored on your computer. Any data loss or security breaches could result in lost revenue or damage to the brand. Continue reading

14 Ways to Find Any Email Address in 10 Minutes or Less

There are many ways to reach out to your potential client and initiate a connection.  Aside from setting up a meeting in person, sending emails often makes it to the top of the list. Obtaining email addresses, however, is not always a walk in the park. This is especially common in sales-driven jobs or those in communications. Continue reading

Why Businesses Should Move to the Cloud


Cloud computing has an enormous amount of potential. It could drastically change the way that individuals and businesses think about the internet. Cloud computing is already blurring the lines between home and work for many people, making it easy for workers to access business systems remotely and perform their jobs off-site. More businesses are choosing cloud services for their data management – whether it’s in health care, finance, marketing, sales, web development and more. Continue reading

How Backup Software Can Save Your Business?

There’s a saying you may have heard before: “Two is one and one is none”. This simple phrase emphasises the importance of having a backup plan. Things can get lost or even break in the field. It’s why skydivers always have more than one more parachute on any given jump. If the main parachute malfunctions for any reason, they can disconnect it and deploy the reserve parachute to safety.

It’s an extreme example but it illustrates an important point that’s also applicable in business – You need to have redundancy. No business owner likes to think of the possibility of losing their valuable data. The reality though is that the future is never absolutely certain. Anything can happen.

Here we’ll look at how utilising backup software can save your business. Continue reading

Data Backup Nightmares: Data Loss Horror Stories that Can Happen to You

According to a survey from Forrester, only 20% of companies are prepared for a data loss incident. This is very alarming, especially considering the fact that data loss has become 400% more frequent since 2012. Continue reading

Hard Disk Drives – Why Do They Fail and What Can You Do About It

Failed Hard DriveWhether it’s your computer’s internal unit or an external device, hard disk drives allow us to store electronic information. Also known as an HDD, you can store tens of thousands of files on each of these devices, so they can work as the archive of your business. Like other electronic devices, hard disk drives can fail and send any company into a small panic. There are many reasons these devices malfunction and there are several steps you can take to prevent it from happening. And, in case it’s too late, you may still be able to restore your information. Continue reading

How Safe is Your Company Data in the Cloud?


Out of all the disruptive technologies that have emerged in the last few decades, not many have had as big of an impact as cloud computing. Known by many names, this practice allows companies to store information on servers located off-premises, but are still accessible to their employees via the internet. Continue reading