Do You Secure Your Laptop?

Laptop security

Do you have a laptop? How you would feel if your laptop was lost or stolen. Maybe you looked away for a moment at the café or airport, or someone broke into your office, house or car. Continue reading

Common Technology Myths

For a while now, technology has played a significant role in our lives. But as with most things, myths pop up and persist.

  • Can I leave my smartphone charging overnight?
  • Macs don’t get viruses?
  • Browsing in incognito mode it totally anonymous.

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Combatting Security Fatigue

Security Fatigue

I know I keep on going on about security and you keep getting prompted for another password change or to install another security update. These are frustrating and can lead to cybersecurity fatigue. You can’t stop securing your tech and doing updates, but what can you do to combat both your own and your employees annoyance with the process. Continue reading

Autofill Passwords – Is It Secure?


“What was that password again? Damnit, I don’t remember!” We have all forgotten passwords. When the auto password fill on our Web browsers was added it felt like a miracle, but this convenience may not be entirely safe. Continue reading

MFA and Push Bombing

Online account hacking has become a major problem for both organisations and individuals. Think about how many online accounts you have that require a username and password both in your work environment and at home. Continue reading

The Best Ways To Use ChatGPT In Your Business

It’s hard to turn look anywhere on the Internet these days without someone mentioning ChatGPT and AI. Both Bing and Google are levering this advanced artificial intelligence language model and you can expect it to show up in more business and personal tools that you use every day. Continue reading

Notification Fatigue

App notifications

The number of applications that employees use on a regular basis continues to increase and a lot of these apps have various alerts. We get a “ping” when an email arrives, a comment is added in Teams or when someone tries to contact us in WhatsApp. Then when Windows needs an update, the antivirus hasn’t done a scan or if a problem occurs on the computer another ping or notification pops up. Continue reading

Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft

Many everyday objects can lead to identity theft and they can often get overlooked because your focus is on your computers and cloud accounts. Yes, it is important to have strong passphrases and use antivirus on your PC, but you also need to be wary of other ways that hackers and thieves can get access to your personal data. Here are six common things that criminals can use to steal your information. Continue reading

If You Find a USB Drive – Destroy It!

Malicious USB

If you ever come across a USB or thumb drive, that you do not recognize, leave it where it is or destroy it. It may be one you found on the ground outside your office, in a public place or even one sent to you out of the blue. Yes you may be curious and want to return it to its owner or see what it contains but the risks are too high. Continue reading