Are Your Cloud Accounts Configured Correctly?

Cloud Account Configurations

Misconfiguration of cloud solutions is often overlooked when companies plan cybersecurity strategies. Cloud apps are typically quick and easy to sign up for and the users assume that they do not need to worry about security because it is handled by the provider. This is an incorrect assumption because cloud security is a shared model. The provider of the solution handles securing their backend infrastructure and the user is responsible for configuring security settings in their actual account. The problem with misconfiguration is huge and is the number one cause of cloud data breaches. Continue reading

4 Tech Trends to Know About for 2023

A new year is an opportunity to start afresh. This is also true for your technology initiatives. Your business can begin 2023 on the right foot by considering these four important IT trends. Continue reading

7 Tips To Prevent Mobile Malware

Mobile Device Security

Cybersecurity researchers uncovered that mobile malware attacks surged by 500% a the start of 2022. This is alarming both in scale and the fact that many people are not yet protecting their smartphones. Year after year, mobile phones have become more powerful and today can do many of the same functions as a computer – just with a much smaller screen. But people tend to secure their computers much better than they do with their smartphones and this needs to change as over 60% of digital fraud now occurs through mobile devices! This makes all mobile devices a high risk if proper safeguards are not followed. Continue reading

8 IT Checks to Make Before You Travel

Travelling with technology

Most of us won’t even travel to the end of the block without our phones and when we go on longer trips, we can end up take a lot a tech.  You can travel smarter and more securely by doing several checks before you go by using our handy tech travel checklist below. The checklist can save you from suffering from lost devices, missing chargers or even a data breach. Continue reading

M365 Secure Score – What Is It?


Security should be a priority no matter the size of your business. Microsoft has recognised how hard it is to work out the strength of your security and has come up with a Secure Score measurement in its 365 Defender dashboard. But what is Secure Score, and how does it help your business? This article aims to explains the basics. Continue reading

What Is Cybersecurity Insurance?

Cyber Insurance

While cybersecurity insurance is still a pretty new concept for many small businesses, it has been around since the 1990s to provide coverage for mainly large enterprises. Back then it covered things like data processing errors and online media. Since that time, the policies for this type of liability coverage have changed. Continue reading

Cybersecurity Attack Trends To Look Out For In 2023

Cyber Security

2023 is just about here, and you should start to plan for the new year. Sixty-eight percent of surveyed business leaders feel that cybersecurity risks are getting worse and this is the area you should start to take seriously (if you haven’t already) and look at the attack trends. Continue reading

What A Data Breach Looks Like

Security breaches

When most businesses get breached, the business owners don’t know until well after the event. This blog article aims to show some of the signs of a data breach so that you can help you mitigate the damage. Continue reading

End of Year IT Review

IT Plans

With the year coming to a close, now is the perfect time to plan for the future. Most businesses begin the year with the hope of growing and improving operations and much of how a business operates depends on technology. Thus it makes sense to look to your IT for areas of improvement. Continue reading

Common Cyber Security Myths Debunked

Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

In many areas there are myths that we accept as fact. Some of these are actually quite dangerous: this article debunks some cybersecurity myths so that you can keep your business safe. Continue reading