Windows End-Of-Life

Windows End-Of-Life

Many companies have computers that are still running older operating systems. The systems may only be used occasionally or if they are running customised software that won’t work on newer Windows versions) they may be in use fulltime. The problem is that when operating systems become outdated or end of life, they are not patched which leaves them wide open to cyberattacks. Continue reading

If You Find a USB Drive – Destroy It!

Malicious USB

If you ever come across a USB or thumb drive, that you do not recognize, leave it where it is or destroy it. It may be one you found on the ground outside your office, in a public place or even one sent to you out of the blue. Yes you may be curious and want to return it to its owner or see what it contains but the risks are too high. Continue reading

4 Tech Trends to Know About for 2023

A new year is an opportunity to start afresh. This is also true for your technology initiatives. Your business can begin 2023 on the right foot by considering these four important IT trends. Continue reading

Why Are Printers Still Terrible?


With VR headset, we can swim with sharks, our phones can recognise our faces and digital watches can detect that we’ve been in an accident. With all this technological innovation, why are printers still so frustrating? This blog article aims to explain some of the reasons and how to make the most of the situation. Continue reading

7 Tips To Prevent Mobile Malware

Mobile Device Security

Cybersecurity researchers uncovered that mobile malware attacks surged by 500% a the start of 2022. This is alarming both in scale and the fact that many people are not yet protecting their smartphones. Year after year, mobile phones have become more powerful and today can do many of the same functions as a computer – just with a much smaller screen. But people tend to secure their computers much better than they do with their smartphones and this needs to change as over 60% of digital fraud now occurs through mobile devices! This makes all mobile devices a high risk if proper safeguards are not followed. Continue reading

8 IT Checks to Make Before You Travel

Travelling with technology

Most of us won’t even travel to the end of the block without our phones and when we go on longer trips, we can end up take a lot a tech.  You can travel smarter and more securely by doing several checks before you go by using our handy tech travel checklist below. The checklist can save you from suffering from lost devices, missing chargers or even a data breach. Continue reading

Can Your Business Survive An Internet Outage?

No internet - internet down!

In today’s world being connected to the Internet on a reliable basis is a must for all businesses. Cloud computing has given us greater mobility than ever before and we can sign into video conferences on our phones, collaborate on presentations from a laptop or edit a file on a tablet on the sidelines of your child’s soccer match. Yet all these things rely on a reliable internet connection. But what happens if that Internet connection fails? Continue reading

End of Year IT Review

IT Plans

With the year coming to a close, now is the perfect time to plan for the future. Most businesses begin the year with the hope of growing and improving operations and much of how a business operates depends on technology. Thus it makes sense to look to your IT for areas of improvement. Continue reading

Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Business PC

Purchasing a new computer

Have you ever bought something and then had buyer’s remorse a few months later? The same can happen when purchasing anew computer for your business. Continue reading